A review of H Thompson & Sons by Disapointed written on Wednesday 10th of October 2012
This is an honest review & without predudice.
The yard at first glance is very nice,handy for the 2 out door schools & limited hacking.
Eerything is indoors ie straw,haylage/hay so no going out in the rain to get your straw or hay/haylage in.
A big plus.
However the Grazing (or Lack of it) I should say is terribly managed.FAR TOO MANY HORSES NOT ENOUGH FIELDS.
Haylage fields should in my opinion be kept seperate from SUMMER GRAZING FIELDS.
Horses are kept in the winter fields FAR TOO LONG therefore the fields are quite trashed.
So grass doesnt get a chance to grow before they are back in to it.
I had to still give my 2 horses hard feed all through the summer to suppliment what they wernt getting out grazing.
Everything,Bedding & feed & suppliment wise MUST be bought from the yard owners otherwise you WIll be asked to Leave the Yard.
So just a word of warning if you are going there.
Owners know nothing about Horse Management either.
That suprises me owning a Livery Yard I would have thought atleast a basic knowlege of horses & their needs would be of Paramount Importance.
My advice is to go there a few times & ask other Livery users for their HONEST Opinion of the Yard & Grazing Before you make your mind up..
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