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A review of Oxfam by Penny saver written on Friday 2nd of August 2013


I realise Oxfam are raising money for good causes but unfortunately they over price all of their stock.

They regularly have price tags on jeans and T-shirts that are more expensive than the original price would have been.

Example, Primark and H&M t-shirts that cost between £3 and £5 new are priced between £5 and £8.

Jeans which cost between £7 and £10 new are priced between £8 and £10.

I don't think they realise clothes are a lot cheaper these days.

I don't want people to avoid this shop, I want people to let the staff know their items are too expensive and if they dropped the prices a bit they would probably sell a lot more stock and have a lot more repeat business..

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Map showing Oxfam on Chillingham Road
