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"Big issue vendors v buskers"

A review of The Big Issue (North East) by Jeffrey bruce butterfield written on Tuesday 29th of March 2016


For a few years now i have busked a certain pitch in hartlepool.

The ramp near to the park road car park.adjacent to TJ HUGHES store.Recently a big issue vendor has moved from his pitch on victoria road and now stands on the busking pitch mentioned.

On tuesday march 8th.I set up my pitch at 9 am.

after an hour a big issue vendor turns up and stands opposite me.

we are that close we are practically touching noses.

I tried explain basic ettiquette to him and that standing in front of me was counter productive.But he just ignored me and uttered some threat.

I understand in the big issue's rules of conduct say that a vendor cannot encroach the space of either a busker,or any other legitimate person trying to earn a living on the street.

Can this problem be addressed and solved please because this big issue vendor is clearly provoking trouble.


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The Big Issue (North East)

Map showing The Big Issue (North East) on Saville Row
