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"Great staff"

A review of Tyne Tees Entertainment by Lisa written on Thursday 20th of June 2024


I visited the arcade on June 16th with my autistic step son. He managed to get a keyring to drop from the 2p push machines ( tipping point as he calls them) to discover it was jammed in the chute. I approached a young man called Lee and asked if he would help us. He proceeded to open the machine and let my son have his prize. He interacted with Sheldon ( my lad) and gave him a fist bump. It's like he knew exactly how to keep the bairn calm and happy.

Well done Lee , you are a credit to the arcade 👍👍.

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    Machines are fixed especially the batman one expect to get ripped off the staff are weird and the ow...
  • Read this by Shane Stewart
    Machines are fixed especially the batman one expect to get ripped off the staff are weird and the ow...
  • Read this by Shane Stewart
    Machines are fixed especially the batman one expect to get ripped off the staff are weird and the ow...
  • Read this by Shane Stewart
    Machines are fixed especially the batman one expect to get ripped off the staff are weird and the ow...
  • Read this by Shane Stewart
    Machines are fixed especially the batman one expect to get ripped off the staff are weird and the ow...

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Tyne Tees Entertainment

Map showing Tyne Tees Entertainment on Marine Avenue