A review of Kenton Riding School by Sophie written on Wednesday 14th of October 2009
I am 16 years old and have been going to Kenton Riding School for 5 years now. I have been helping there for 3 years and I really enjoy it.
We currently have 13 horses at the stables:
Perry, Barney, Lady, Danny, Melody, Holly, Coleen, Beach, Poppy, Dandy, Zack, Candy and Rosie (and two little jack russels; gemma and tizzy).
Me and my friends who voluntarily work at the stables are always there for anyone who wants to stay an extra hour before or after riding to teach them about looking after the horses; mucking out, feeding, tacking up etc. The advice is all free! (And if you decide so, you may even want to help us out and work voluntarily yourself. All you have to do is ask!)
The rides are really fun; we ride on nuns moor, going for canters, playing games/races and in the summer we have jumping lessons on Mondays. You can ride on weekends all throughout the year. Rides are only avaliable on weekdays in the summer. It is (at the moment) £11 for an hours hack on nuns moor and 50p to rent a riding hat.
The hours avaliable for riding on weekends are as follows:
Saturday & Sunday
For beginners:
When a beginner comes to the riding school, they are taught 1-1 from another person on a horse (beginner is on a leading rein) but they still go with the rest of the people booked in for a hack. Everyone stays together but more advanced riders are given the opportunity to go faster.
I highly recommend that you do try the lessons at Kenton Riding School as they are a lot of fun and they are one of the cheapest stables in the area (£11 for an hour).
Extra info:
Anyone wishing to participate in the riding lessons must be over 7 years old and must not weigh more that 14st. Everyone wishing to participate in the lessons, however, must wear a suitable riding boot/ wellington boot (anything flat with a one inch heel). YOU MUST NOT WEAR TRAINERS AS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RIDE (due to health and safety reasons). .
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